Flattering hairstyle makes women over 40 look ‘much younger’
Long flowing locks are often the hallmark of youth when it comes to hair, but length isn’t everything when it comes to finding ways to look younger.
Many hairstyles are well-suited to medium or shorter tresses and can work wonders for creating a more youthful complexion.
Erin Busbee of Busbee Style, an over-40s female lifestyle brand, has shared her insight to help like-minded women find the most complimentary hairstyle.
She said: “The right hairstyle can help you look younger and feel more confident. I didn’t think hair was that big of a deal until I started going through menopause and realized how much it’s changed.”
The beauty expert added: “After 40, you want hairstyles that will make you look younger, but are still age-appropriate and don’t look too over the top. You don’t want to look like you’re trying too hard!”
Erin doesn’t jump straight into suggesting a pixie cut or bob, which are common suggestions for women who want to emphasise fullness and round curves on their faces.
Instead, the Busbee style founder opts for more quick-fix styles that can be done in an instant – and reversed just as quickly.
The ponytail isn’t exclusive to those with long hair or those below a certain age, for that matter. “You can wear a pony at any age. So, don’t think you’re too old at 40″, said Erin.
She claimed that “a good ponytail is actually super flattering and playful”. And the best part is, it takes seconds to do.
Take a hair-tie in the same colour as your hair and use your hands, or a brush, to pull all of the hair back so it’s smooth. Use the hairtie to secure the ponytail, and tighten as necessary.
Erin ugred: “If you have some bald spots you’re self-conscious about, you can use a powder or play around with your hair until it’s covered. Play with the placement of the ponytail until it has the poof you want.”
Now tease the hair a little by gently running your fingers through the front and pull it out a bit so you get some volume on top, continuing until it’s even.
To finish, wrap your own hair around your hair-tie and tuck it in underneath the ponytail. “It gives you a cute hair-tie cover that matches your hair color perfectly. Ponytails look great and they’re super fun, youthful, and really easy”, said the beauty guru.
Up dos
It’s not just ponytails that have anti-ageing effects. Most up-dos can make you look younger, like a high bun.
Simply pull your hair back and scrunch what would be the ponytail, then strategically wrap it with a hair-tie .
Erin said: “You can later pull it out a bit to make it look more casual. Looser updos that are messier make you look much younger. You can even pull some hair out at the front to frame your face, but don’t go overboard.”
Loose waves
For those times when you want to wear your hair down, adding loose waves to otherwise straight hair creates instant lift and volume.
Take a curling wand, part your hair in the middle and then take pieces of hair about three inches down and wrap them around your curling wand. Hold for 10 seconds or less, and try curling the hair at the front away from your face to see what works for you.
Erin noted: “Loose waves look super sexy and take years off your face. Also, curled hair doesn’t get as greasy looking as straight hair, which is nice if you’re on the go and don’t have time to wash your hair every day.”