Air hostess reveals the ‘evil’ flying habit you shouldn’t do | World | News

All of us can probably recount tales of flights we have taken that have turned into a nightmare due to some passengers refusing to observe basic rules of etiquette.

From parents unable to control their kids in the seats behind to people who insist on playing their music loud – most of us have been there, done that.

But there is one bad habit in particular that has even got cabin crew fuming – and it’s something that a good many of us are guilty of.

An American flight attendant called Cher has taken to TikTok to reveal what she believes is the single worst thing a passenger can do on an airplane.

“Putting any type of bottle that has liquid in it in the overhead bin,” Cher says in a video which has been viewed more than 73,000 times.

“Every single time, without fail, that water bottle, as soon as we take off, is going to leak inside the bin.”

Cher, who has worked for five years as a flight attendant, finds the habit so annoying that she goes on to call it “heinous, evil and diabolical”.

Although she admits it’s an easy mistake to make, she insists it’s bad plane behaviour that can make a fellow passenger’s life a misery.

“Not only does that soak everybody else’s bags, the water always picks one person and it’ll follow a stream and completely dump out of the bin onto one person,” she explains.

And the science backs her claims up. As an airplane climbs higher into the sky, the air pressure drops and it causes the air inside the cabin to expand.

This means any air trapped in water bottles will also expand, which can force the water to leak out of it.

Plane etiquette has become a big talking point, particularly for those who have to take regular flights.

A blogger going by the name Jonny Jet has had his fill of inconsiderate passengers that he has taken to the internet to publish his list of the 10 worst crimes you can commit on a flight.

Johnny, who says he takes over 20 flights a year, lists talking loudly on your phone or to your seat neighbour as the number one crime.

He writes: “It astounds me when I hear people speaking so loudly on their phone or to a seat mate that I can hear them five rows back. It’s rude and careless—especially if it’s about sensitive business.”

Almost as bad is not taking care of your personal hygiene that you stink the whole plane out.

“As a common courtesy, you should at least walk onto the plane clean and not reeking of BO,” he says.

“One of my worst flights involved a couple that smelled so bad, the passengers in the two rows around them literally had to plug their noses for the flight.”

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