Astrologer shares horoscope predictions for Pisces season
March marks the start of both Pisces and Aries season (Image: Getty)
The transition from February to March brings so much change, including the meteorological spring and the astrological Pisces season.
With a new month now here to stay, celebrity psychic and astrologer, Inbaal Honigman has revealed her horoscope predictions for every star sign.
Speaking exclusively to, she said: “March brings some much-needed respite to the madness of today’s world. Nearly every planet in the sky is in Pisces, Aquarius or Taurus all month.
“Those three signs will have personally a busy month, as they’ll experience: a lot of attention from others in Pisces’ case, some drastic changes of scenery in Aquarius’ case, and financial success for Taurus.
“For everyone else, however, life will be quieter than usual, with more time spent indoors, reading a book and catching up with old friends.”
Planets move through the 12 zodiac signs which is used as the basis for predictive forecasting (Image: Getty)
Pisces – February 19 to March 20
The astrologer said: “Happy Pisces season! There are so many things in life that make you feel like an outsider, Pisces – most people are not as sensitive as you, as intuitive as you, as self-sacrificing as you, or dream as vividly as you do. How amazing would it be if more folk could relate to you?
“Well, this month they can! Most planets go through the sign of Pisces at different times this month, influencing many of the signs. Mercury, the planet of communication, as well as Venus, the planet of love and Mars, the planet of passion spend a week or two in your sign. But check out Jupiter, the planet of generosity and Neptune, the planet of dreams, which spends the entire month in Pisces. You’ll feel like people just ‘get’ you.”
Aries – March 21 to April 19
Inbaal continued: “Ahead of Aries season, which starts on the 20th, we enjoy the stirrings of Aries energy via Mercury, the planet of communication which will be in your sign 10 days earlier. Fast-moving Mercury goes into your sign on March 10 and stays there for the rest of the month.
“This means that Mercurial blessings abound for you – positive emails, successful conversations, great finds on social media and more. Mercury is also the planet of commerce, so you may find some fabulous, bargainous purchases this month also.”
Taurus – April 20 to May 20
She warned: “You’ve got to strike the iron while it’s hot, Taurus. Your run of good luck isn’t over yet, so ride that crest. This month, as in the previous few months, both Jupiter and Uranus are in your sign all month. Jupiter is a planet of wealth and generosity, so you can expect some positive changes around finances.
“Uranus is the planet of rebellion, so if you have ideas that are out of the box, go ahead and try them out. Jupiter’s wealth stays with you until May, and Uranus’s radical ideas are here for two more years.”
Love, relationships, careers, and finances can all be influenced by the zodiacs, according to astrologers (Image: Getty)
Gemini – May 21 to June 21
The astrologer proclaimed: “You’re famous for your handbrake turns, Gemini – fun and flirty one day, focused and studious the next. This month is no different. Your ruling planet, Mercury is in romantic Pisces until March 9. Those are beautiful days for you, loving and caring, focusing on daydreaming and quality time with the family. The rest of the month sees Mercury in passionate Aries, and this is a time for fire and desire in your life, you set your sights on your goals and go for them, taking no prisoners.”
Cancer – June 22 to July 22
Inbaal said: “Not only is it Mother’s Day on the 10th, which means a lot to you, Cancer, but it is also the New Moon in Pisces on the day. You’re a big fan of family gatherings and love to honour the mothers in your life, so Mother’s Day is always an emotional day when you remember old stories and connect with your loved ones.
“As you are ruled by the Moon, it makes the New Moon every month your opportunity to observe new beginnings, and since it is in water sign Pisces, you feel that those new beginnings are perfect for you, a water sign too! This is a day of love and contemplation for you.”
Leo – July 23 to August 22
She urged: “You’re a fire sign, Leo, which means you are passionate, determined, active and lightning-fast. You start the month with your ruler, the Sun in romantic Pisces. Love will surround you until March 19. Love is the best – but you’ll feel as if you’re expected to be emotional all the time, which is not your jam.
“From the 20th, the Sun moves into the sign of Aries, which is fiery like you. Finally, you feel like you’ve been let out of your cage. You feel excited to express your passionate, active personality in all its might.”
Virgo – August 23 to September 22
The astrologer said: “You’re usually a planner, not a dreamer, Virgo, but this month you get to harness the energies of the moon and focus more on love, fantasies and romantic notions of the future. Hot on the heels of your full moon in the final week of February, now March sees your ruling planet Mercury meet favourably with the moon three times.
“Those days kickstart a softer you, more accepting and ready to commit to plans that aren’t just work and household chores. Those days are the very first day of the month, March 21, and the very last day of the month. Use those days to explore the gentler side of your personality, by painting or volunteering.”
Libra – September 23 to October 23
Inbaal said: “It’s time for you to take a stand, Libra. For the past year, you’ve had to go with the flow. You’ve said yes to whatever came your way, and you let family members and colleagues decide what they want to happen, long before you stated what you want to happen. As such, you’ve been sidelined in your own life.
“This can now change, with the full moon in your sign. Your personal Libra full moon is always about six months away from your birthday, and it reminds you that there’s so much still left to achieve. On March 25, on the Libra full moon, this is your opportunity to turn over a new leaf, and decide to be the main character in your own story.”
Scorpio – October 23 to November 21
Inbaal added: “You’re a passionate sign, Scorpio, and more often than not, you struggle to differentiate between passion and love. This month, there’s a special day that brings together love and desire for you, a dream come true. On March 25, your ruling planet, Pluto, creates a favourable aspect with Venus, the planet of love. On the very same day, Pluto also creates a favourable aspect with Mars, the planet of passion. Even if love and sex seem like two different stories in your eyes, you’ll love it when they both appear at the same time.”
Sagittarius – November 22 to December 21
The astrology expert suggested: “Your trademark jolly disposition, optimism and love of adventure are all down to one planet – your ruling planet Jupiter. All those traits that make you – you, the delightful, hilarious, gregarious Sagittarius. This planet is in calm and peaceful Taurus all month.
“It’s in this sign for a whole year – from May 2023 to May 2024. Its impact on you means that you’ll be the quieter version of yourself. Adventurous, but make it local. Hilarious, yet gentle. Optimistic, but not rubbing anyone’s nose in it. Taureans will be attracted to you.”
Capricorn – December 22 to January 19
According to Inbaal, Capricorns are “all about the bottom line” in life and love. She said: “You enjoy wealth, status and business connections, and your family and loved ones enjoy how determined and powerful you are. This March, your ruling planet Saturn is in romantic Pisces all month long. In a big step out of character, you’ll be prioritising feelings over earnings, and letting your partner call the shots, not your boss. You’ll enjoy this break away from working all the time, and your beloved will enjoy having you present and emotionally engaged.”
Aquarius – January 20 to February 18
The astrologer said: “Some changes can be expected this March around your love life and your sex life, Aquarius. Those could be two different things, but more likely it’ll be one big change, as your love and your passion go hand in hand. Pluto, the planet of transformation is in your sign – this is no big surprise as it will stay there for nearly 20 years, turning world politics into a more harmonious affair.
“What’s interesting is that this month, Venus is also in Aquarius until the 11th, and Mars is in Aquarius until March 22. Since Venus is the planet that rules love, its proximity to Pluto suggests transformations around your love life. Since Mars is the planet that rules passion, its proximity to Pluto tells of transformations around your sex life. Aquarius is such an individualistic sign, so expect the unexpected.”