Behaviourist names five signs your dog loves you – one shows a ‘strong bond’
A dog behaviour specialist has named the key signs your dog loves you. From making sure they’re fed and watered to keeping on top of grooming and exercise needs, owning a dog comes with lots of day-to-day responsibilities.
Dogs are naturally social animals, so to really thrive they also need companionship and affection from their owners. To show your dog how much you love them, focus on spending quality time with them, being affectionate towards them and incorporating regular playtime and treats into their day. But how do dogs show their love for you?
“A dog’s ‘love’ stems from trust, which can be built through the giving of affection and lures such as food and toys, including exercise and play, which can provide an important mental and physical outlet,” Adem Fehmi, a dog behaviour specialist at Barking Heads, explained.
“This is why a dog will often seem to have a greater attachment to their main care givers over others.
“This makes sense as these ‘lures’ fulfil their needs as social mammals and many breeds and types of dog have been bred in this modern day to provide us with companionship.”
He said the first key sign to look out for is they seek you out to spend time with you.
This can take on several forms, including greeting you at the front door, coming to find you if you’re in a different room or snuggling up with you on the sofa on an evening.
A desire to be near you isn’t always a good sign, however, with Adem explaining: “If you feel like your dog has become your shadow, this may not be love but in fact a sign that your dog is experiencing anxiety and you should look to seek behavioural advice to help them become a more confident individual.”
A second sign your dog loves you is that they are happy to relax in your space.
Adem said: “A happy and content dog will be able to fully relax in your presence.
“You may also see them relaxing in more vulnerable positions such as laying on their side or even on their back with their feet in the air. This is a sign that they trust you, which is a key component of love.”
Another thing to look out for is whether your dog displays relaxed body language.
Examples of this include wagging their tail, and wearing a soft expression on their face.
Likewise, if they lean into you when you pet them, you can take this as another sign of affection from your dog.
“Whilst some dogs might not like being touched so much, many will lean back into you when being stroked if they are enjoying the experience and, particularly, if they have a strong bond with you,” Adem said.
The final sign to look out for is that they enjoy spending time walking or playing with you and may even instigate a play game.
Adem explained: “A dog that is happy to engage with you is a dog who feels secure when you are around.
“Furthermore, instigating play is a way to gain your affection and attention, which can be a key indicator that your dog values your presence.”