Dog trainer shares one easy activity that can ease anxiety

Reading a book to your dog could be beneficial for their health and wellbeing.

Many pet owners treat their furry friends like their own children – and one dog trainer suggests we should take this a step further by reading them bedtime stories. As odd as it may sound, reading aloud to your dog can be crucial for their health, helping them relax and even encouraging good behaviour.

A video posted on TikTok by UK charity Dogs Trust showed volunteers at a shelter reading to the dogs. The charity stated that this activity soothes the animals to the point where they “drift off to sleep”, as some dogs “love the comforting voice of a human”, while others “simply enjoy the safe feeling of someone being there”.

In honour of International Read to Me Day today (March 19th), Terry Cuyler, a dog trainer at Pawsitive Results, has explained why reading to your pets is so important and how it can boost your dog’s mental health.

Speaking with veterinary experts at YuMove, Terry highlighted that reading to your dog is an “easy but strong method” to make your pet feel relaxed and secure.

He recommends choosing “simplistic books” – as dogs can only comprehend between 15 and 89 words on average, making children’s books the ideal choice.

He explained: “When you read aloud to a dog, your voice can become a signal for them to relax. Dogs are very good at sensing our tone, and when we talk in a calm and soothing manner, it helps them feel peaceful.

“Dogs can understand around 15–89 words on average. I’d suggest focusing on simplistic books with words that are clearly different from each other, with no more than 3–4 syllables, so they sound distinct. They should be read in a calm, soothing tone.”

Establishing a regular reading schedule also contributes to your dog’s sense of routine, aiding in their overall comfort by providing predictability. If your dog tends to be overly energetic or anxious, incorporating reading sessions into their routine could encourage calmer behaviour.

Terry went on to say: “I have seen many times that dogs who are a bit too energetic or nervous can relax when their owners read to them in a gentle, calm voice. It seems like it helps build trust and supports good behaviour.

“I have many years of training dogs, and during my career, I have worked with hundreds of them. Using methods like this one, together with basic training methods such as positive reinforcement, can really help a lot in changing how your dog behaves.”

How to recognise if your dog is stressed

Reading to your dog can have a soothing effect, but it’s crucial to be able to identify signs of stress or anxiety in your pet. Doctor Charlotte Rice, Senior Veterinary Technical Manager at YuMove, suggests using the “P.E.E.P test” to detect stress indicators in your animal.

  • P = Posture: Does your pet appear hunched, tense, cowering, or defensive?
  • E = Eyes: Are their eyes wide or strained, or are their pupils dilated?
  • E = Ears: Do their ears seem flattened or pinned back?
  • P = Position: Is your pet turning away, hiding, fleeing, or freezing?

Dr Rice stated: “If your dog or cat is displaying any of these behaviours, they may well be under stress.”

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