EU slammed over ‘mass migration frenzy’ as rules approved | World | News

European Union MEPs approved Wednesday a major revamp of the bloc’s migration laws, hoping to end years of division over how to manage the entry of thousands of people without authorisation and deprive the far right of a vote-winning campaign issue ahead of June elections.

But the move sparked fury across the bloc, forcing even usually contradicting figures like Viktor Orban and Donald Tusk to side with each other against the proposal.

In a series of 10 votes, members of the European Parliament endorsed the regulations and policies that make up the Pact on Migration and Asylum.

The reforms address the thorny issue of who should take responsibility for migrants when they arrive and whether other EU countries should be obliged to help.

The 27 EU member countries must now endorse the reform package, possibly in a vote in late April, before it can take effect.

In a note sent to, the Lega group of Italian MEPs in the European Parliament, said: “After years of guilty inaction on the part of Brussels, the Migrant Pact promoted by the EU, despite the notable improvements obtained thanks to the work of the Italian government, is unfortunately not sufficient to adequately address an epochal phenomenon such as immigration.

“Lega had presented common sense amendments to prevent departures, create identification centres managed by the EU in North Africa and strengthen cooperation agreements with other countries to facilitate repatriations.

“They didn’t listen to our proposals and preferred to follow ideology. Despite some small steps forward, the Pact disappoints expectations and does not significantly change the current situation: its approval, by a handful of votes, highlights the major internal problems of the current majority.

“This is why we need another majority and more incisive measures to face the challenge of immigration that concerns Italy and all of Europe with courage and coherence, and less ideology.”

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban took to X to lambast the deal.

He said: “The Migration Pact is another nail in the coffin of the European Union. Unity is dead, secure borders are no more. Hungary will never give in to the mass migration frenzy! We need a change in Brussels in order to stop migration!”

Echoing Orban’s comments, Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk said: “We will protect Poland against the relocation mechanism.

“I have certain possibilities to build alliances and the mechanism of relocation or paying for not taking in (migrants)… will certainly not apply to Poland.”

European Parliament President Roberta Metsola, a former lead lawmaker on migration who helped pave the way for the reform package, posted “History made,” on X, formerly Twitter, after the votes.

“It has been more than 10 years in the making. But we kept our word. A balance between solidarity and responsibility. This is the European way,” she wrote.

German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser described the result as a “major and very important success”.

“After years of tough negotiations, we have agreed on this comprehensive package. We have thus overcome a deep division in Europe,” said Faeser, whose country has been a top destination for people seeking refuge, in a written statement.

“We continue to protect people fleeing terrible wars, terror, torture and murder. But this responsibility for refugees will be spread across more shoulders in future,” she added.

The new rules include controversial measures: facial images and fingerprints could be taken from children from the age of six, and people may be detained during screening. Fast-track deportation could be used on those not permitted to stay.

On the other side of the ledger, countries can be obligated to help their EU partners by offering to house people eligible for asylum or, failing that, to pay the costs of lodging them elsewhere.

Migrant and human rights groups mostly slammed the reform package.

In a joint statement, 22 charity groups, including the International Rescue Committee and Oxfam, said the pact “leaves troubling cracks deep within Europe’s approach to asylum and migration, and fails to offer sustainable solutions for people seeking safety at Europe’s borders”.

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