Five houseplants that can miraculously banish bathroom mould

Mould is a right pain when it takes over the household, not only is it extremely unsightly – but it can be difficult and expensive to get rid of.

Not to mention the worrying health risks it poses, especially if not dealt with once and for all.

The cost of eliminating mould depends on various factors, such as the size of the area, the type of mould it is, and the difficulty of accessing it.

As mould is a fungus, it grows in damp areas and is caused by airborne spores that germinate on wet surfaces. Even though it can develop anywhere in the house, it is typically found in bedrooms, kitchens – and bathrooms.

But there are some ‘much cheaper’ ways of eliminating the hazardous fungi, with a helping hand from mother nature. Here is everything you need to know.

Houseplants that help get rid of mould

The bathroom is often the most humid room in the home which makes it a hotspot for mould. One of the first and most effective ways to get rid of it is by using purifying plants.

That’s right, plants. They are ideal for lowering the humidity in the air which can help break down existing mould and prevent even more developing.

Here are some purifying plants you can invest in to improve the air quality and eliminate mould.

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