Going away on a cruise could invalidate your home insurance | Personal Finance | Finance
In recent years, a growing number of people are taking extended breaks from work, embarking on what is now known as the “grown-up gap year.” Whether for travel, personal reflection, or a much-needed break, this trend has seen significant growth. However, while many are embracing this new way of spending time away from the office, there is an important detail that many overlook — their home insurance.
The concept of a gap year has traditionally been associated with young adults looking to travel or take time off before starting their careers. More and more people over the age of 40 are now embracing the idea of taking extended time away from work. According to recent research, 4.9 million Britons have taken a sabbatical, with a third of them aged over 40. The reasons for taking time off vary, from exploring the world and pursuing personal interests to simply taking a break from the pressures of everyday life. Many people are recognising the value of a sabbatical, with 53% of companies now offering these breaks as part of their employee benefits package.
Despite the growing popularity of this trend, there is an important consideration that many people fail to address before heading off on their travels – home insurance.
It is common for people to assume their home will be covered while they are away, but many fail to realise that leaving their home unoccupied for more than 30 days without notifying their insurance provider could invalidate their policy.
This means that if an incident occurs, such as a break-in or damage to the property, the insurer may refuse to pay out.
This is a significant risk, especially considering that the average home insurance claim in 2024 is expected to be £10,216.
While individuals may invest significant sums in their gap year — the average cost is £9,553 — failing to update their insurance could result in financial hardship should anything go wrong at home during their absence.
Milly Whitehead, co-founder of The Leap, an agency specialising in mid-life travel, stresses the importance of proper planning before taking an extended break.
“It is essential to ensure that all aspects of the trip are covered, including insurance,” she says.
“Many people are unaware of the requirement to notify their insurance provider when planning a trip of more than 30 days, and this can lead to unnecessary problems.”
The decision to take a sabbatical is not limited to younger generations. In fact, many people in their 40s, 50s, and beyond are now choosing to take extended breaks from work.
A recent survey found that nearly half of those who took a sabbatical did so to simply take a break from the demands of their careers. Others took time off to reassess their priorities or to fulfil long-held travel goals.
The typical grown-up gap year costs around £9,553. While some individuals travel alone, others take their partners or even children along.
Nearly a fifth of those who took an extended break spent over a year away, with many others travelling for between six months and a year.
The grown-up gap year is an opportunity for personal growth and exploration, but it is essential that those planning such a break take all necessary precautions.
Ensuring your home is properly insured while you are away is a crucial step in protecting yourself and your property.
Kara Gammell, a home insurance expert at MoneySuperMarket, advises those planning extended absences to contact their insurance provider well in advance.
“It’s important to ensure that your home and possessions are fully protected while you are away,” she says.
“A simple phone call or online update to your policy can ensure your home remains covered during your absence, providing you with peace of mind.”
While the trend of taking a grown-up gap year offers an exciting opportunity to explore new horizons or take a much-needed break, it is crucial that travellers take the necessary steps to protect their homes.
By notifying your insurance provider and ensuring your property is covered for the duration of your absence, you can avoid any unpleasant surprises when you return.