Horoscopes today – Russell Grant’s star sign forecast for August 3


You might not anticipate a great day after a restless night, but you are in for a surprise. Unexpected visitors will cheer you, making you feel more lively and social. Are you single? Love is in the air. A fun date will show you that there’s more to life than just work.


It will be up to you to act quickly when the chance to travel arises. Stay flexible and don’t fall back on your usual habit of finding excuses why you can’t be spontaneous. You might also take this chance to smooth out a past disagreement that has been causing problems between you and a neighbour.


Events going on around you will keep you on your toes. A new friendship is going well and could bring some nice surprises, maybe even a romantic one. An invitation to lunch will make your day even brighter. Meeting with a local business leader will give you a few things to think about later.


You have two main goals today and these might seem to contradict each other. Even so, you will still manage to prioritise both. You know the value of showing kindness to others while also recognising the need to take care of yourself. Today, you will find a way to keep to these priorities.


Plans will undergo some unexpected changes. There’s something strange brewing. A workmate is about to resign and this will open up an exciting career opportunity for you. If you take a risk, it could pay off handsomely. This is your chance to pursue professional goals. Strike while the iron is hot.


When you’re asked to organise a campaign, make it quick and snappy with a promise of change. Your challenge is to generate enthusiasm and support. Keep trying if a complicated task is proving problematic. Once you get over this hurdle it will get easier.


There’s a distinct sociable tone to your day. You’re at your best when spending time with your favourite friends and relatives. Better still if you are all united in working towards a common goal, whether for charity or having fun, you can be sure of a delightful and enjoyable experience.


A big social event isn’t drawing in as many people as anticipated. The usual level of excitement is missing. If you were involved in organising the activities, you might be wondering if something went wrong. The main issue could be the presence of a group known for causing conflict and drama.


You might enjoy finding ways to motivate a youngster to develop their skills and knowledge. If you notice them struggling in a certain area, find a creative approach to make learning enjoyable for them. Even a small achievement can give their confidence a big boost.


Take a step back when you sense tension in the air and this will keep you from getting caught up in arguments. You have some goals in mind. Instead of seeking approval or advice from others, it will be far better for you to implement your plans from behind the scenes.


You might notice higher amounts of cooperation at the start of the day then at the end. A harmonious morning may not last and as the day comes to a close, the wind will change direction. You do have a great connection with an influential executive who will present you with an intriguing opportunity.


Be prepared to showcase your skills the moment you hear about new openings in the workplace. Your personal situation is starting to improve as a result of the success you are enjoying professionally and socially. Connecting with nature can help calm you when you need to overcome excitement or anxiety.

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