Horoscopes today – Russell Grant’s star sign forecast for September 17


It might be tiring to have to get on with a task no-one else wants to do. Somehow it is up to you to get this done and you will need to stay focused to make the most of it. You’re super busy and high levels of energy will keep you going. Look out for some positive news later that will lift your spirits.


There’s a lot of activity going on around you and even during the calmer moments you will be keen to do something productive to fill your time. Just remember not to get so caught up in all this busyness that you neglect spending time with your family.


You have noticed a family member is facing financial difficulties. It’s not an easy topic to broach, but it’s important to communicate your worries. Also, make sure not to overlook the significance of insurance policies in managing your own finances.


You’re burdened with more responsibilities than usual. You may even have to sacrifice some of your leisure time for other commitments. Before this gets out of hand, think about prioritising tasks in order to at least leave yourself some free time at the end of every day.


An unforeseen expense will catch you off guard. You feel completely unprepared for this. Before panicking, take a moment to carefully consider the situation. A relative may offer you a loan or with some careful budgeting, you will be able to handle this just fine.


New possibilities bring a sense of optimism. Sharing your future plans with a partner can help them see the potential in these, as well. Communicating openly can ease any concerns they may have had. If there are any issues within the home, now is a good time to work on resolving them.


You have a couple of personal issues you really would like to get on with so interruptions may not be welcome. A partner or close friend has something on their mind and they’re hoping you will lend them an ear. Although this is annoying, what’s bothering them will also be of importance to you.


A text or email is confusing. If you think there has been a mistake, it’s important to address this matter as quickly as possible. If money is involved, being assertive is necessary for clear communication. Ignore news passed on to you by a gossipy neighbour. There’s no truth in this at all.


A surge of activity in the workplace will take you by surprise. Even so, this will all feel positive and productive. You will want to make the most of the lively atmosphere. Keep an eye out too for a new business opportunity that may not be obvious at first.


You were hoping to settle a legal, financial, or business issue today. News via a phone call or text message will be disappointing. Whatever is going on, it is not your fault. While you may feel let down, remember that this is not the end. Use this experience to become more conscientious going forward.


No matter what your hopes and aspirations might be, something inside urges you to keep going towards your objectives. Even if it seems like the odds are stacked against you, this will be just a temporary challenge on your path to success. Stay determined and don’t lose hope.


You’re the one who always spots potential problems at work. Could it be that you’re paying too much attention to minor issues? Don’t get so bogged down in trivial matters that this distracts you from the more important tasks. Deal with problems as they arise instead of stressing over them excessively.

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