How the new ‘European Thatcher’ is set to cause chaos for EU in alliance with Donald Trump | World | News

In a political climate reminiscent of the Thatcher era, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni is emerging as a figurehead of conservative resurgence in Europe, drawing comparisons to the Iron Lady herself, as she allies with former US President Donald Trump, setting the stage for potential disruption in Brussels.

Meloni’s growing influence, particularly in shaping the European Union‘s stance on migration and climate policies, has raised eyebrows across Brussels and beyond.

Recent developments underscore Meloni’s strategic positioning within the EU. Her recent trip to Egypt to finalise a migration deal, mirroring a similar agreement with Tunisia in 2023, highlights her sway over EU heavyweights like European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.

With a crucial bloc-wide election looming in June, where a surge in right-wing representation is anticipated, Meloni is poised to lead this ideological charge, pushing Brussels towards conservative stances on crucial issues.

Despite sceptics questioning Italy’s economic stability under Meloni’s leadership, her approval ratings remain surprisingly high at 41 percent. The real test, however, lies in how she will use this political capital. Analysts speculate on her future moves, especially in light of the upcoming US presidential election in November.

Should Joe Biden secure another term, Meloni is anticipated to maintain the positive rapport established between her government and the White House. However, if Donald Trump returns to power, Meloni could solidify her ties with the controversial former president, positioning herself as a significant European ally.

Marco Damilano, a prominent Italian political analyst, notes Meloni’s unique alignment with Trump, labelling her as the closest politician to the former US president within Italy.

Meloni’s adeptness at diplomacy, straddling both pro-Ukraine, and pro-NATO stances, and courting anti-Ukraine factions within the Republican Party, showcases her skill in playing the field to her advantage.

Meloni’s approach reflects a nuanced diplomatic strategy, avoiding becoming a European pariah while exerting considerable influence over EU policies. Her ability to maintain relationships with leaders across the political spectrum positions her as a formidable force in European politics, potentially reshaping the continent’s trajectory in collaboration with figures like Trump.

As Europe braces for a potential seismic shift under Meloni’s leadership, all eyes remain fixed on how she will navigate the complex geopolitical landscape, balancing alliances and ideologies to wield maximum influence both domestically and internationally.

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