Ibiza in Spain launches war against tourists with huge protest planned | World | News

Another Spanish island has launched a war against tourists with a huge protest planned.

Residents on the island of Ibiza are joining other holiday destinations across the country in calling for restrictions on tourism.

The party island is beloved by Brits, with the population tripling during peak summer months due to the number of tourists that flock there.

But, inspired by similar movements in the Canary Islands and Menorca, an activist group called Prou Eivissa (meaning Enough Ibiza) has been started.

They are calling on residents to take to the streets on May 24 and protest for restrictions on tourism to the island.

A spokeswoman for Prou Eivissa said the group was “in no way against British tourism” but that it was fighting against the “type of tourism attracted to our island”.

Xaquelina Ana Perry said: “We welcome anybody who wants to enjoy our local culture, gastronomy, local traditions, beautiful beaches and covers. 

“We are only against the massification of the type of tourism attracted to our island. The island is saturated, especially with illegal renting and our 572 square kilometres cannot take anymore.”

Despite its many other pulls, Ibiza is known for its nightlife, with many Brits travelling there to drink and dance during the summer.

As a result, it has often struggled with its image and has developed a reputation for drug use and dealing across the island catering to party tourism.

In a statement, Prou Eivissa said it was advocating for “a sustainable balanced future for the well-being and growth of the local people in unison with a type of tourism which wishes to respect and enjoy the diversities of this beautiful island”.

The activists are calling on the Balearic Island’s officials to introduce a law that limits vehicle the number of tourists, as well as a set of measures that ensure “the maintenance of the tourist moratorium, incentives for hoteliers to reduce capacity, protect residents and crack down on illegal renting.”

“We consider it essential to achieve a balance between residents and tourists, and therefore we believe that the legitimate expression of the people of Ibiza can guarantee a sustainable future for all,” the statement added. 

“We urge families, youths, adults or anyone who appreciates a respectful life and wishes to be treated with respect, to come and make their presence felt so that the authorities truly feel the pressure that makes us say: Ibiza cannot take anymore!”

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