Johnny Depp embarks on Hollywood movie return with Pirates of the Caribben star | Films | Entertainment

Since winning his libel case against his ex-wife Amber Heard, Johnny Depp has slowly returned to film acting and directing.

Last year, he starred as the King of France in Jeanne du Barry before directing his new drama Modì.

But after a stint in European cinema, the Jack Sparrow star is now embarking on his Hollywood movie comeback.

The Hollywood Reporter has announced that Depp will star opposite Penélope Cruz in Lionsgate’s upcoming action flick Day Drinker.

The actress famously co-starred with him in 2010’s Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides as Blackbeard’s daughter.

The pair also previously starred in 2001’s Blow, in which they played real-life drug traffickers and shared the screen once again in the 2017 version of Murder on the Orient Express.

Their new movie Day Drinker has them play a cruise ship bartender and a mysterious day drinker who get engulfed in a criminal underworld.

Adam Fogelson, chair of Lionsgate Motion Picture Group said: “Day Drinker combines a highly commercial concept with wildly outrageous twists and turns all set in an incredible world, and there is no better filmmaker than Marc or two more perfectly cast actors than Johnny and Penélope to bring that world to life.”

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