Madeleine McCann’s prime suspect writes multiple letters in bid to prove his innocence | World | News

Christian Brueckner, the main suspect in the Madeleine McCann case, has written a series of letters from his prison cell in Germany to convince the world he is innocent.

The 45-years-old German suspect claimed he is being pinned for a crime he has not committed as he argues investigators in Germany have no evidence of his guilt.

In the letters obtained by the Mail Online, he wrote: “You can never imagine how it is when the whole world believes you are a child murderer, and you are not.”

He added: “I got told a long time ago that the prosecutor’s office was closing the Maddie case because there is not even the smallest evidence. There will never be a trial.

“The prosecutors are not saying anything to the public because they must give the files to my lawyers – and they contain many (sic) material which confirms my innocence.”

Brueckner also complained about the treatment he is receiving in prison which he brands as “torture”.

He wrote: “The torture I’m going through is the best evidence I can have.

“The torture I’m going through is the best evidence I can have.

“I’m not able to tell the real treatment I get because I don’t have the right words for it. Of course, this all happens by the orders of the BKA (German criminal police).”

In a dig at the investigators of the case he also added: “They will never understand that the idea they had was brilliant – I said already that Hollywood couldn’t do it better – but they choosed (sic) the wrong leading actor – me.

“I’m almost sure that some other persons in my situation, under all the pressure, the insults and the threatenings (sic) would have capitulated a long time ago.

“They would have asked where they can sign the death judgement. But not me. I’m tough as old boots.”

READ MORE: Shameless Portuguese cop who accused Madeleine’s family speaks out on search

Arguing he is being scapegoated by the investigators, he continued: “Like I told you already. The responsibilities are not strong enough to admit the mistakes they made in the Maddie case. So they try despairingly to accuse me of other weird stuff.

“It doesn’t matter that I have a completely different look like the victims are saying. I really would like to know what they tell them to convince them that it was me nevertheless.”

Police have flattened a concentrated area of woodland and dug a number of holes near a remote reservoir in Portugal as part of their three-day hunt for evidence in the Madeleine McCann case.

Huge piles of soil and broken rock were left next to the 160 sq ft area close to the banks of the Barragem do Arade, where officers were seen with shovels for a number of hours on Wednesday afternoon.

Portuguese police confirmed the search concluded on Thursday, and said materials had been sent to Germany for testing.

The surrounding woodland showed pathways had been cut by heavy machinery, with large branches lining the routes towards the area of focus.

The small section of woodland was clearly marked out by officers over the course of their three-day search in Portugal.

The cordon around the site, which had been in place since Tuesday morning to allow officers to scour the area with rakes, pickaxes and sniffer dogs, has since been lifted.

Police were given the go-ahead to search the area after German prosecutors received “certain tips” about the case.

A few kilometres away from the search, blue tents had been erected for briefings to take place.

A large section of the Barragem do Arade was cordoned off on Tuesday morning, around 30 miles from where three-year-old Madeleine went missing in 2007.

The operation was carried out at the request of German investigators who believe their prime suspect, convicted sex offender Christian Brueckner, 45, kidnapped and murdered the youngster.

He is in prison in Germany for the rape of a woman in Praia da Luz in 2005, and is suspected of further rapes and child sexual abuse committed in the area between 2000 and 2017.

German authorities have not revealed what triggered the latest search operation, but the prosecutor for the city of Braunschweig, Christian Wolters, said they were acting on the basis of “certain tips”.

He told German public broadcaster NDR the new information had not come from the suspect and they did not have a confession or “any indication from the suspect of where it would make sense to search”.

The Sun reported that investigators previously found photos and video of Brueckner at the reservoir.

He has reportedly denied any involvement in Madeleine’s disappearance.

Madeleine was three when she vanished while on holiday with her parents in Praia da Luz, after they left her and her younger twin siblings asleep in their apartment while they went out to dinner with friends.

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