Princess Leonor flexes military muscles in emotional Spanish event | Royal | News

The heiress to the Spanish throne, Princess Leonor, took an important first step on what will be a life-long journey of public service today. 

Celebrating her 18th birthday in October last year, the daughter of Queen Letizia and King Felipe is set to have a higher public profile than ever before in 2024. 

On Saturday January 6, she attended the annual Pascua Militar ceremony held at the Royal Palace, Madrid. Honouring the Epiphany, or the Day of Kings, this military ceremony is a key moment in the Spanish calendar. 

It is a high-profile event and was this year attended by President Pedro Sánchez and Minister of Defence Margarita Robles, alongside the rest of the royal family. 

Standing alongside her royal parents, it is clear that this ceremony marks the beginning of increased responsibility for the young Princess Leonor. 

The Pascua Militar – translating to Military Easter – ceremony is held to mark the Epiphany, or the day when the Three Kings are said to have visited Jesus in Bethlehem. 

Attended by all manner of high-ranking Spanish officials, the focus of the ceremony was a pair of speeches from Minister of Defence Margarita Robles and King Felipe where they reflected on Spain’s military achievements in the past year. Dating back to 1782, the day is recognised as a public holiday in Spain.

After the service, the Royal Palace opened its doors to the over 200 officials present for a reception to ring in the New Year. 

The real highlight of the event, however, was Princess Leonor’s landmark first appearance as a full-time royal. 

Clad in an impressively immaculate uniform – and wearing her Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Charles III sash for the first time – she paid her respects to those serving in the military and civil service with a heartfelt salute. 

Her attire was perhaps a nod to her ongoing military training at the General Military Academy in Zargoza, which began in September and is due to last for three years. 

The Princess also greeted the heads of the military Civil Guard and the civilian National Police Corps with strong handshakes, recognising their dutiful service in the past year. 

Since turning 18 in October, Princess Leonor has made several signals that she intends to ramp up her public profile this year. 

On October 31, 2023 – her 18th birthday – the heiress swore an oath of loyalty to the Spanish Constitution, enshrining her as the legal heir to the throne. 

She attended the opening of Parliament alongside her parents in November, beautifully dressed in an eye-catching emerald dress, showing her desire to step into the spotlight as a fully-fledged Princess. 

It’s expected that her activities will continue in 2024. 

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