Remove soap scum ‘within minutes’ using expert’s DIY solution

Soap scum, the unsightly and stubborn residue that often forms on bathroom surfaces, is a common nuisance for homeowners. 

It can make sparkling tiles look grimy, fog up clear glass, and create an overall sense of uncleanliness despite regular cleaning efforts. 

This build-up, a combination of soap, mineral deposits from hard water, and body oils, can be incredibly tough to remove with standard cleaning products.

However, a hack from popular YouTube channel CleanMySpace has provided a beacon of hope for those battling this persistent problem. 

Known for their practical and effective cleaning tips, CleanMySpace has shared a simple, yet powerful method to tackle soap scum using everyday household items. 

Their approach promises to eliminate soap scum in just minutes, making it a game-changer for maintaining clean and gleaming surfaces.

The solution involves mixing equal parts of white vinegar and dish soap in a spray bottle. 

This DIY mixture can be applied to glass and tile surfaces, which are often the hardest hit by soap scum build-up.


1. Mix the Solution: Combine equal parts white vinegar and dish soap in a spray bottle. The acetic acid in vinegar helps break down the soap scum, while the dish soap acts as a surfactant, lifting grime off the surfaces.

2. Apply the Mixture: Spray the mixture generously on the affected areas, ensuring full coverage.

3. Let It Sit: Allow the solution to sit for one to two minutes. This waiting period lets the vinegar and dish soap work their magic, breaking down the soap scum effectively.

4. Scrub Away: Using a non-scratching tool, scrub the surfaces in an S pattern. This method ensures thorough cleaning without damaging the surfaces.

5. Rinse Thoroughly: Finally, rinse the surfaces thoroughly with water to remove any remaining residue.

White vinegar’s acetic acid content makes it a powerful cleaning agent, capable of dissolving mineral deposits and soap scum. 

When combined with dish soap, which is designed to cut through grease and grime, the mixture becomes a potent cleaning solution. 

This method is not only cost-effective but also environmentally friendly, relying on non-toxic ingredients readily available in most households.

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