Seven ‘easy’ cleaning tips to leave your kitchen sparkling, expert shares

Clean out your drawers and cabinets

Sometimes it is easy to put things away in a cupboard or drawer even if it doesn’t belong there.

And before you know it the space is full of letters, leaflets and batteries. However, now is the time to get rid of unwanted junk you might not need.

If you find items that you no longer need then, if possible, give them to charity. Once you have sorted your items and everything is organised, wipe down the drawers and cabinets. Not just on the outside but the inside too so it looks fresh and organised.

This will also be a good chance to clean any plates and glasses that are inside the cabinets. A good spray to use is white vinegar which can help remove any stains from glass.

If there is a cloudy smudge all you have to do is soak the glassware in white vinegar for a couple of minutes, then rinse and dry.

Organise your pantry

OK, this may not be something everyone has in their kitchen but if you have a section for your spices then it will also do.

Keeping it organised will make it easier to find certain items when cooking.

First of all, you’ll want to take everything out and give it a deep clean. This includes any shelving too as this would have attracted any dust or dirt.

If you want to go the extra mile then you can invest in some jars if you want to keep everything organised and labelled. Another tip is to alphabetize everything.

Deep clean your oven and hob

We know it doesn’t take long before grease can build up in your oven and on your hob. Despite, many of us putting it off it’ll be worth it in the long run.

While there are many oven cleaning kits which you can buy in supermarkets or online you can create your own for a fraction of the money.

All you need to do is combine one cup of water and one cup of vinegar with lemon oil. This trio will help degrease your oven and make it smell fresh. Let’s not forget about the extractor hood and extraction grills which will also need a wipe down.

Here, you can use your go-to oven cleaner to cover the oven and leave it to sit for a few hours. This will allow the product to do its work and get rid of the build-up of grease. Once it has been left for a couple of hours it will be quicker to clean and wipe off.

Give your worktops and appliances some TLC

Food and drinks can be easily spilt on a kitchen worktop so it’s important to keep them extra clean. Even worse, it can be easy to forget appliances such as a toaster, kettle and microwave will need cleaning too.

You can get rid of stains on worktops by creating a paste made up of bicarbonate soda and water. However, if you have a textured surface, then you can use a nylon bristle brush.

A good way to descale your kettle is with water and white vinegar. Fill it with both in equal measures, boil the kettle and then leave it to cool. Rinse the kettle several times and then boil it to ensure the vinegar doesn’t leave any lasting smell or taste.

Freshen up your fridge and freezer

Let’s not forget the go-to items in our kitchens are the fridge and freezer.

They will both require a deep clean but first take out all of the contents of your fridge and give the shelves a wipe-down. This will give a fresher smell to your fridge and be a more hygienic space for your food.

Two ingredients which go well together are baking soda and hot water. This combination will also help remove any tough stains too. One thing to consider is doing this before your weekly shop as this means fewer items to clear out of the fridge.

Scrub your sink and dishwasher

Another place which has a build-up of grime and dirt is the sink and dishwasher. Despite water running through both to wash its contents you have to keep it clean to avoid any lingering smells or blockages.

If you have a stainless-steel sink, a great tip is to use flour and buff away. This will make your sink look sparkling clean.

Give your kitchen one last blast

And finally, once you have followed all these steps give your kitchen one last clean. This will include mopping the floor, cleaning out the bins and one final wipe-over if you’ve missed anything.

Who said Spring cleaning could be boring.

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