Shopper’s video packing against ‘insanely speedy’ Aldi cashiers goes viral

Leroy Lupton’s TikToks of his frantic attempts to pack his shopping bags before Lancaster cashiers have finished scanning have been viewed over two million times.

The familiar panic of trying to pack shopping bags as items pile up, scanned by lightning-fast cashiers, is a common experience for many supermarket shoppers.

One man has taken his struggle against the “insanely fast” checkout staff at Aldi to TikTok, becoming an internet sensation in the process.

Lupton, 33, began filming his encounters with Aldi cashiers after being impressed by their “athleticism” at his local store. Initially recording the videos to show his mate at the pub, he started posting them on TikTok, styled like the classic video game Street Fighter.

His six videos, all filmed at his local Aldi store in Lancaster, have amassed more than two million views, with many viewers offering advice on how to outpace the supermarket‘s staff.

Lupton, a music teacher and producer, said he was inspired to film his experiences after one trip to his local store left him swamped with groceries. “All of the items were flying at me and piling up, and I’m thinking this ain’t normal,” he told PA Media.

He initially pondered whether one of the cashiers was “juiced up on energy drinks” or had indulged in “a few too many coffees”, before realising the rapid pace was a constant feature of each visit. “I’m thinking these guys are something else, they’re on a mission,” Lupton expressed.

After discussing with friends about the cashier’s remarkable “athleticism”, he realised his experience was not unique.

His latest video, which has garnered over 1.3 million views, kicks off with the familiar Street Fighter music and the announcement: “Round one! Fight!”

Lupton is then depicted struggling to keep pace as he clumsily handles a barrage of swiftly scanned items, including a four pack of Stella Artois, a Pot Noodle and an Old El Paso taco kit.

The on-screen text reads: “Dirty tactics right out of the gate from this cashier. He’d scanned four items before I got in position, ready to bag.” He admits defeat less than a minute later.

Commenters have provided advice on his “bag reload” the Aldi-packing equivalent of a Formula One pitstop and pointed out novice mistakes, such as bagging the toilet roll instead of keeping it separate.

One viewer commented: “She sensed your inexperience. My local cashiers have no mercy for anyone, they fire goods at you like an industrial wood chipper.”

Lupton revealed he was honing his skills with the ultimate goal of defeating one particularly speedy cashier, “the final boss”, later this year.

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