The incredible ‘mini-Suez’ canal costing country £225m | World | News

A ‘mini-Suez’ canal is being built in Pakistan, costing the country £225 million.

The Kachhi Canal Project is a 310-mile-long canal project situated in the Baluchistan and Punjab Provinces of Pakistan.

It starts from the Taunsa Barrage at the Indus River and terminates in Baluchistan, providing a sustainable irrigation water supply to 720,000 acres of agricultural land in Baluchistan and 30,000 acres of land in Punjab. 

The Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority said it hopes the canal will alleviate poverty and enhance employment opportunities in remote and underdeveloped areas by promoting an agro-based economy.

It said: “The main aim of the project is to irrigate agricultural production, resulting in a boost to the economy, improvements in the physical environment including the atmosphere, climate, land, and water.

“It will also result in improvement in the quality of life due to betterment in socio-cultural and socio-economic conditions.”

The project was started in 2002 and was almost abandoned due to cost and time overruns. It is costing £225 million to build but will have a benefit to crops of an estimated £14 million a year.

The Kachhi Canal project is divided into three phases: Phase One totals 248 miles, Phase Two 37 miles, and Phase Three 25 miles. 

Phase One was completed in August 2017 and inaugurated in September 2017 by then-Prime Minister Mr. Shahid Khaqan.

After completion, the canal will be 310 miles long. Baluchistan will get 121 miles, and Punjab will get 189 miles of canal.

During construction, as many as 914 structures, including head and cross regulators, road and railway bridges, cross drainage, escape structures, and watercourse crossings, have been built at or over the main canal.

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