Universal Credit warning as people migrating to benefit ‘forced to take out loans’ | Personal Finance | Finance

People on legacy benefits have struggled to get by while waiting for their first payment, a group has found.

A report from Advice NI looked at the worries and issues faced by benefits claimants being moved to Universal Credit, after the managed migration to the new benefit began in April, reports BelfastLive.

More than two thirds of those surveyed had to take out an advanced loan when starting on the new benefit while more than half, or 53 percent, fell into rent arrears.

A further 47 percent of the went into debt or had to borrow money from friends and family to get by.

Many of those surveyed were not looking forward to the new system, with 76 percent saying they could see no positives to moving to Universal Credit.


One legacy claimant said: “Transferring is frightening and can cause a lot of worry and stress so I would need a support worker who could bring me through all steps and who I could contact when I don’t understand something.”

A large majority said their main worry was the five-week wait for the first payment while almost 60 percent said they were concerned they would get less money under the new system.

Kevin Higgins, head of Policy at Advice NI said: “Universal Credit is like no other benefit we have seen before.

“It is a digital benefit which means people must apply for and manage their claim online. That will require claimants to have a level of digital skills as well as access to the Internet and a digital device.

“This will be a challenge for many. Other challenges involve the monthly assessment period, the five week wait for the first payment, the claimant commitment with ongoing conditionality and risk of sanctions.”

Advice NI has set out several recommendations to improve the system, such as ensuring people are made fully aware of and have easy access to all financial support available.

The group also called for real-time access to Universal Credit staff so independent advisors can flag up urgent cases.

People whose benefits will decrease in switching to Universal Credit receive Transitional Protection, meaning they get a top-up payment to cover the difference.

A person can request their first Universal Credit payment in advance if they urgently need the funds to pay bills.

However, this has to be repaid as deductions from a person’s future Universal Credit payments.

A DfC spokesperson told Express.co.uk: “Anyone moving to UC from legacy benefits or tax credits will have their benefit entitlement protected through Transitional Protection. This means that people with no change in their circumstances will not have a reduced entitlement at the point they move to UC.

 “Legacy customers will continue to receive benefit payments for two weeks during the waiting time for their first UC payment (known as a two-week run-on).  A similar run-on is already in place for those on housing benefits who move to Universal credit as a result of a change in their circumstances.

“Customers entitled to UC may also be able to claim extra financial support to help with essential costs while waiting on payment (eligibility criteria applies).  This includes:

  • a Universal Credit Contingency Fund grant payment which does not have to be paid back

  • a Universal Credit advance loan which does have to be paid back

  • Discretionary Support – short-term financial support paid into the customer’s bank account as either an interest-free loan or a grant which does not have to be paid back.

  • Help with upfront childcare costs from the Adviser Discretion Fund.

“The Department for Communities has been engaging widely with the advice sector and other stakeholders in relation to Move to UC and is committed to continuing that engagement.”

It should be noted that this is applicable to NI customers and some elements may not be applicable across the UK.

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