Vladimir Putin backs US into a corner over Ukraine as war enters terrifying new phase | World | News

He said: “Let’s be very clear, we are talking about a ceasefire, not a peace deal. Putin has reportedly sent out feelers to the US about the possibility of a ceasefire to freeze the conflict on the line of control.

“I find that plausible because allows Putin to lock in a situation on the ground that could become an eventual partition of Ukraine.

“What’s really news is that US policymakers are starting to realise that one essential ingredient of any ceasefire or peace deal is dividing Ukraine, allowing Putin to keep the part he has occupied.”

Mark Galeotti, another Russia expert, also told the show that Putin could be seeking peace for “entirely pragmatic reasons”.

He added: On one hand, Putin has a wider goal to subordinate Ukraine, removing it from the West’s sphere of influence.

“But Putin is pragmatic. He is aware that this is an exceedingly expensive war politically and economically war for himself.

“Even though this coming year is, unfortunately, looking quite good for the Russians….Beyond 2024 there’s some risk for the Russians.

“So you can see Putin thinking…’let’s try and freeze it now through a ceasefire.'”

He added: “This also poses a dilemma for the West. Not only are there many countries who would rather not be spending what it costs to support Ukraine, but in Washington there is terror at what might happen if Donald Trump becomes President.

“I’m encountering it within my own conversations with officials in the US…this sense of ‘we can’t let this war role on until it becomes Trump’s playground’.”

Earlier this week, Russian President Vladimir Putin hinted at the possibility of peace.

He said Russia doesn’t want to fight “endlessly” in Ukraine but won’t give up its positions and is ready for peace only on its own terms.

Putin added that he was satisfied with the Russian army’s performance in Ukraine. He also said Ukraine‘s forces are “gradually deflating.”

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